Observation start time: 08:00:00 Observation end time: 14:30:00 Total observation time: 6.5 hours
Official Counter: Rosemary McGlynn
Observers: Deb Bodenschatz, Greg Gdula
Visitors: Greg Gdula,Deb Bodenschatz
Weather: moderate WNW winds gusting to 20mph;sun with increasing clouds;48-61F. It was jacket/sweatshirt weather!
Raptor Observations: only 2 migrating raptors: 1 RT and 1 juv BE @1:38. The young eagle crossed over the Watch and the valley becoming a distant speck heading South
Non-raptor Observations: several non-migrating hawks as well as wb nuthatches,titmice,chickadees,blue jays,goldfinches,hummingbirds,waxwings and TVs
Predictions: cool in the morning with high temp 65-75;mostly sunny with light to moderate WNW winds. ======================================================================== Report submitted by Rosemary McGlynn (<denali...>)