Date: 8/18/24 8:05 pm From: Mark Krenitsky <mkrenitsky...> Subject: [AZNMbirds] SEAZ: Sierra Vista EOP 18 August 2024
Six local birders attended the Sierra Vista EOP walk this morning. It was
overcast for the first part of the walk, which made for a very comfortable
trip. We ended up identifying 66 species on the day.
The highlight of the day was a Willow Flycatcher, seen well by the entire
group. It is a good find at the EOP - we see one or two a year at most.
Another highlight was spotting a Common Gallinule building a nest. This was
interesting because we know that a pair has already succeeded in raising a
juvenile - which we saw as well.
Other highlights:
1 Western Sandpiper and 4 Leasts was a good find. We also found one Spotted
10 White-faced Ibis were a treat.
A Zone-tailed Hawk was a welcome sight.
We got good looks at five species of swallows...again, Violet-Green and
Purple Martin were absent.
And we found two separate flocks of Lark Buntings, including one adult in
breeding plumage - a very pretty sight.
We also got good looks at a number of different species of butterflies and
dragonflies, and a very good look at a 4' long Gopher Snake in the middle
of the dike. Its camouflage was quite impressive!
The EOP walks are on Sundays at 6 AM for the rest of August, switching to 7
AM in September. Attendance is limited to 15 people on a first-come
first-serve basis.