Date: 8/17/24 8:39 am
From: A. Liebner <000000d98121eaef-dmarc-request...>
Subject: Arlene & all, Great Egrets, Catbird fledgling Sch. Co.
Hello Arlene,
I see all posts to PAbirds except my own.  I need to remember to BCC when posting to the group so I can see my posts.  It wasn't always like that but changed a bit ago.
Since August 10th three Great Egrets have been spotted by a stream in a local farm field and golf course.  Two were out of sight from the road on private property this morning. 8/17
A Catbird was gathering mealworms and taking to the same spot in the thickets in front of our house. (a nest?)  Then it began taking mealworms to different areas in the thickets.(feeding fledgling)On Thursday, 8/15, three Catbirds appeared together on the thickets, including a fledgling begging to be fed.  I have no way to know for sure but I think this is the second brood this year. Brown Thrashers  were also observed feeding a fledgling on 8/01.   There were two pair of Brown Thrashers feeding fledglings in the beginning of June, so I'm assuming that one pair had a second brood. We removed dying and invasive trees, shrubs and vines from two property lines over the past 4-6 years, so there isn't as much cover for nesting birds.  We do have non-native forsythia which remains because it provides nesting and protection for many birds.  I'm thankful that we still have many species nesting on and around our two acres. I'm hopeful that the new natives on property lines will fill in quickly. 
Other yardbirds:  Common Yellowthroat-F, Eastern Kingbird, Field Sparrow, Song Sparrow, Indigo Bunting-F, Blue Jays are back, Downy, Hairy, Red-bellied WP, Northern Flicker, White-breasted Nuthatch, Northern Mockingbird, N. Cardinal, M. Dove, House Finch, Goldfinch, House Sp. Grackle observed pecking and killing a fledgling House Finch (earlier I found one dead with head pecked), Starling, variety of Swallows soaring over the neighboring fields, Ravens vocalizing every day, Wild Turkeys 11 crossing the road at the corner of our property, Immature Bald Eagle flyover- couldn't ID because of backlight, 
Good birding,
Ann M. Liebner
Wayne Twp., Schuylkill County

On Saturday, August 17, 2024 at 02:39:51 AM EDT, Grant Stevenson <stevensongrant03...> wrote:

I see all posts but my own. I thought that was a standard part of the
Pabirds listserv email program. I'm not a cyber expert. Deb Shuey Grove
said on Facebook that she and Greg are in the middle of a fiber issue
without WIFI and is only on her cell phone, and may be on the road I'm
guessing, and may need to save it's power for urgencies. I don't know for
sure. I hate speaking for her because I'll be wrong. I'm just guessing the
possibility. I lets be patient and I say good night for now, and give her a
chance, being I believe listowner. I'll at least sign off. Hope I'm not
making things worse. Thank you for the help both. Boobies are a great bird.
Enjoy the evening, Grant

On Fri, Aug 16, 2024, 8:03 PM CAROL FITZPATRICK <cafitzp...> wrote:

> Hi Arlene,
> I see your posts, including the one about the Booby.
> Unfortunately, I don't know why you're not seeing them. Sometimes, after
> weeks or months or more, my computer will start to filter my messages
> differently. Have you checked your junk mailbox or spam folder?
> Carol Fitzpatrick
> ________________________________
> From: Bird discussion list for Pennsylvania <PABIRDS...> on
> behalf of DAVID KOCH <0000012d74227426-dmarc-request...>
> Sent: Friday, August 16, 2024 6:58:26 PM
> To: <PABIRDS...> <PABIRDS...>
> Subject: [PABIRDS] Koch property, Northampton County
> I'm mostly posting this to see if it goes through. I never saw the boobies
> post I put on last night and I'm not getting any other listserv posts.
> Birds recently seen include several redstarts, yellow warblers, a
> chestnut-sided warbler, several rose-breasted grosbeaks, a female Baltimore
> oriole, many ruby-throated hummingbirds, an eastern phoebe, a least
> flycatcher, and a flycatcher iI didn't see long enough to be able to
> identify.
> Arlene Koch Easton, PA Northampton County <davilene...>

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