Date: 5/3/24 9:01 am
From: imbercj--- via CTBirds <ctbirds...>
Subject: [CT Birds] Hammo White-faced Ibis, Upland Sandpiper
At Hammonasset Beach State Park in Madison this morning, Matt Bell relocated the White-faced Ibis that was found by Chris Loscalzo yesterday. Today the bird was in the marsh west of the Nature Center, just east of the beach pull-off. It was very near the road, affording great looks to several birders!

Matt said that he was also looking for the Upland Sandpiper that has been in the area, with no luck. And of course, just after Matt left, the Upland Sandpiper flew in and landed within about 10 feet of the White-faced Ibis! I called Matt and he turned around to see the Upland, and then we got at least 8-10 other birders onto it.

The Upland Sandpiper was still in that area when we left but the White-faced Ibis disappeared to parts unknown.

Chuck Imbergamo
CT Birds Moderator

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