Date: 5/2/24 6:20 pm
From: Charlie Nims <charlie.nims...>
Subject: [NHBirds] Migration fall out in The Mt. Washington Valley
As with other parts of New Hampshire, here in the near North (Mt. Washington Valley) there was a good migratory fallout. Personally, after a Tin Mountain Conservation Center walk I was to lead got canceled due to rain, thunder and lightning, once the rain stopped, I headed to Thorne Pond Conservation Area (Bartlett) where I had 8 warbler species highlighted by a lovely male Blackburnian Warbler. Swallows finally seemed to show up in numbers with 30+ Tree Swallows, a Barn Swallow and 2 N. Rough-winged Swallows. Among other species there were lots of Ruby-crowned Kinglets, a personal FoS Rose-breasted Grosbeak, a Field Sparrow (uncommon at this location) and a couple Blue-headed Vireos. The “winter” species were not left out as this winter's irruption of Pine Siskins continued along with White-throated Sparrows and Dark-eyed Juncos. I had a 19 count for Common Mergansers along with 3 Hooded Mergs.

Laurel Smith who lives in Jackson had a large fallout in her yard including 10 warbler species, 5 of which I had not seen at Thorne so between the two relatively close locations, 13 warbler species on the day with multiple numbers for several of the species. That is a good collection of warbler species for this area on the 2n of May.

Checklist posted to eBird with a few photos.

Charlie Nims
Bartlett, NH

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