Date: 5/2/24 12:18 pm
From: Ducky Darrick <dadams...>
Subject: [NHBirds] Least flycatcher and others
The Little pond at the beginning of California Brooke estates in West swan
z e y. I often visit that location this time of year because a lot of the
little tiny migrants tend to congregate there and this spot did not
disappoint today. Among my first of the year species that I saw were the
least fly catcher and the yellow and yellow rump warblers and the brown
thrasher. My Merlin app also picked up a chestnut sided warbler in a common
yellow throat but I did not get eyes on them. There were other birds there
too including the typical complement of red winged blackbirds and grackles
and also some bluebirds and tree swallows and goldfinches a couple of songs
sparrows some Phoebe's and a king bird

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