Date: 4/26/24 3:41 pm
From: Lance Benner via <lbenner...>
Subject: [LACoBirds] America's Birdiest County: 170 species, Friday, 3:30 pm
All, We have added a number of new species since the last update and our
total now stands at 170 species. Earlier I thought we had found
pelagic cormorant but that was a mistake on my part, so I removed it
from the "found" list and added it back to the "missing" list. If you
find one, please let us know! Here are the species we have FOUND:

* Snow Goose

* Canada Goose

* Blue-winged Teal

* Cinnamon Teal

* Gadwall

* Mallard

* Ring-necked Duck

* Lesser Scaup

* Surf Scoter

* Long-tailed Duck

* Bufflehead

* Red-breasted Merganser

* Ruddy Duck

* Mountain Quail

* California Quail

* Pied-billed Grebe

* Eared Grebe

* Western Grebe

* Clark's Grebe

* Rock Pigeon

* Band-tailed Pigeon

* Eurasian Collared-Dove

* Mourning Dove

* Common Poorwill

* Vaux's Swift

* White-throated Swift

* Black-chinned Hummingbird

* Anna's Hummingbird

* Costa's Hummingbird

* Rufous Hummingbird

* Allen's Hummingbird

* American Coot

* Black-necked Stilt

* American Avocet

* Black Oystercatcher

* Semipalmated Plover

* Killdeer

* Whimbrel

* Long-billed Curlew

* Marbled Godwit

* Surfbird

* Sanderling

* Least Sandpiper

* Western Sandpiper

* Long-billed Dowitcher

* Spotted Sandpiper

* Wandering Tattler

* Greater Yellowlegs

* Willet

* Bonaparte's Gull

* Heermann's Gull

* Ring-billed Gull

* Yellow-footed Gull NEW

* Western Gull

* California Gull

* Herring Gull

* Caspian Tern

* Forster's Tern

* Royal Tern

* Elegant Tern

* Black Skimmer

* Red-throated Loon

* Pacific Loon

* Common Loon

* Brandt's Cormorant

* Double-crested Cormorant

* Brown Pelican

* Great Blue Heron

* Great Egret

* Snowy Egret

* Green Heron

* Black-crowned Night-Heron

* Yellow-crowned Night-Heron

* Turkey Vulture

* Northern Harrier

* Cooper's Hawk

* Red-shouldered Hawk

* Swainson's Hawk

* Red-tailed Hawk

* Barn Owl

* Great Horned Owl

* Belted Kingfisher

* Acorn Woodpecker

* Nuttall's Woodpecker

* Ladder-backed Woodpecker

* Northern Flicker

* Prairie Falcon

* Yellow-chevroned Parakeet

* Red-Crowned Parrot

* Nanday Parakeet

* Mitred Parakeet

* Olive-sided Flycatcher

* Hammond's Flycatcher

* Western Flycatcher

* Black Phoebe

* Ash-throated Flycatcher

* Cassin's Kingbird

* Western Kingbird

* Bell's Vireo

* Hutton's Vireo

* Warbling Vireo

* California Scrub-Jay

* American Crow

* Common Raven

* Oak Titmouse

* Verdin

* Northern Rough-winged Swallow

* Tree Swallow

* Violet-green Swallow

* Bank Swallow

* Barn Swallow

* Cliff Swallow

* Red-Whiskered Bulbul

* Bushtit

* Wrentit

* Red-breasted Nuthatch

* Blue-gray Gnatcatcher

* California Gnatcatcher

* Canyon Wren

* House Wren

* Bewick's Wren

* Cactus Wren

* European Starling

* California Thrasher

* Northern Mockingbird

* Western Bluebird

* Swainson's Thrush

* American Robin

* Cedar Waxwing

* House Sparrow

* Scaly-breasted Munia

* American Pipit

* House Finch

* Red Crossbill

* Lesser Goldfinch

* Lawrence's Goldfinch

* American Goldfinch

* Chipping Sparrow

* Black-throated Sparrow

* Lark Sparrow

* Dark-eyed Junco

* White-crowned Sparrow

* White-throated Sparrow

* Bell's Sparrow

* Song Sparrow

* Lincoln's Sparrow

* California Towhee

* Spotted Towhee

* Yellow-breasted Chat

* Western Meadowlark

* Hooded Oriole

* Bullock's Oriole

* Scott's Oriole

* Red-winged Blackbird

* Tricolored Blackbird

* Brown-headed Cowbird

* Brewer's Blackbird

* Great-tailed Grackle

* Orange-crowned Warbler

* Nashville Warbler

* Common Yellowthroat

* Yellow Warbler

* Yellow-rumped Warbler

* Black-throated Gray Warbler

* Townsend's Warbler

* Hermit Warbler

* Wilson's Warbler

* Western Tanager

* Black-headed Grosbeak

* Lazuli Bunting

I'm heading out to look for birds so the next update will be later

Thank you!



Lance Benner



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