Date: 4/26/24 12:09 pm
From: Lance Benner via <lbenner...>
Subject: [LACoBirds] America's Birdiest County MISSING species
All, Here are the species we found in previous years during ABC weekend
that we haven't found yet today. There are still many common species.
Note that there are also some extremely rare species from previous
years that we don't expect to find this year (e.g., yellow-billed
loon, field sparrow, least flycatcher).

# Snow Goose

# Ross's Goose

# Greater White-fronted Goose

# Tundra Bean-Goose

# Brant

# Cackling Goose

# Wood Duck

# Blue-winged Teal

# Cinnamon Teal

# Northern Shoveler

# American Wigeon

# Northern Pintail

# Green-winged Teal

# Canvasback

# Redhead

# Greater Scaup

# White-winged Scoter

# Black Scoter

# Bufflehead

# Common Goldeneye

# Hooded Merganser

# Common Merganser

# Gambel's Quail

# Chukar

# Pied-billed Grebe

# Horned Grebe

# Clark's Grebe

# Spotted Dove

# Inca Dove

# Common Ground-Dove

# White-winged Dove

# Greater Roadrunner

# Lesser Nighthawk

# Rufous Hummingbird

# Calliope Hummingbird

# Ridgway's Rail

# Virginia Rail

# Sora

# Common Gallinule

# Sandhill Crane

# Black-necked Stilt

# American Avocet

# Black-bellied Plover

# Pacific Golden-Plover

# Snowy Plover

# Long-billed Curlew

# Ruddy Turnstone

# Black Turnstone

# Red Knot

# Ruff

# Stilt Sandpiper

# Dunlin

# Baird's Sandpiper

# Pectoral Sandpiper

# Semipalmated Sandpiper

# Western Sandpiper

# Short-billed Dowitcher

# Long-billed Dowitcher

# Wilson's Snipe

# Wilson's Phalarope

# Red-necked Phalarope

# Red Phalarope

# Solitary Sandpiper

# Greater Yellowlegs

# Lesser Yellowlegs

# Pomarine Jaeger

# Parasitic Jaeger

# Common Murre

# Scripps's Murrelet

# Cassin's Auklet

# Rhinoceros Auklet

# Sabine's Gull

# Laughing Gull

# Franklin's Gull

# Short-billed Gull

# Yellow-footed Gull NEW

# Lesser Black-backed Gull

# Iceland Gull (Thayer's Gull)

# Glaucous-winged Gull

# Glaucous Gull

# Least Tern

# Black Tern

# Common Tern

# Black Skimmer

# Yellow-billed Loon

# Black-footed Albatross

# Leach's Storm-Petrel

# Northern Fulmar

# Pink-footed Shearwater

# Sooty Shearwater

# Black-vented Shearwater

# Red-footed Booby

# Neotropic Cormorant

# American White Pelican

# American Bittern

# Least Bittern

# Cattle Egret

# White-faced Ibis

# California Condor

# Osprey

# White-tailed Kite

# Golden Eagle

# Sharp-shinned Hawk

# Cooper's Hawk

# Bald Eagle

# Swainson's Hawk

# Zone-tailed Hawk

# Ferruginous Hawk

# Flammulated Owl

# Western Screech-Owl

# Great Horned Owl

# Northern Pygmy-Owl

# Burrowing Owl

# Spotted Owl

# Long-eared Owl

# Northern Saw-whet Owl

# Belted Kingfisher

# Williamson's Sapsucker

# Red-naped Sapsucker

# Red-breasted Sapsucker

# Lewis's Woodpecker

# Downy Woodpecker

# Hairy Woodpecker

# White-headed Woodpecker

# Northern Flicker

# Crested Caracara

# American Kestrel

# Merlin

# Peregrine Falcon

# Prairie Falcon

# Yellow-chevroned Parakeet

# Lilac-Crowned Parrot

# Nanday Parakeet

# Mitred Parakeet

# Red-masked Parakeet

# Olive-sided Flycatcher

# Western Wood-Pewee

# Least Flycatcher

# Gray Flycatcher

# Dusky Flycatcher

# Say's Phoebe

# Vermilion Flycatcher

# Dusky-capped Flycatcher

# Tropical Kingbird

# Thick-billed Kingbird

# Bell's Vireo

# Cassin's Vireo

# Plumbeous Vireo

# Loggerhead Shrike

# Steller's Jay

# Clark's Nutcracker

# Mountain Chickadee

# Horned Lark

# Purple Martin

# Bank Swallow

# Golden-crowned Kinglet

# Ruby-crowned Kinglet

# White-breasted Nuthatch

# Pygmy Nuthatch

# Brown Creeper

# California Gnatcatcher

# Rock Wren

# Canyon Wren

# House Wren

# Marsh Wren

# American Dipper

# LeConte's Thrasher

# Mountain Bluebird

# Townsend's Solitaire

# Varied Thrush

# Swainson's Thrush

# Hermit Thrush

# Phainopepla

# Scaly-breasted Munia

# Red-throated Pipit

# American Pipit

# Evening Grosbeak

# Purple Finch

# Cassin's Finch

# Red Crossbill

# Pine Siskin

# Grasshopper Sparrow

# Clay-colored Sparrow

# Black-chinned Sparrow

# Field Sparrow

# Brewer's Sparrow

# Lark Sparrow

# Fox Sparrow

# Golden-crowned Sparrow

# Harris's Sparrow

# White-throated Sparrow

# Vesper Sparrow

# Savannah Sparrow

# Lincoln's Sparrow

# Swamp Sparrow

# Rufous-crowned Sparrow

# Green-tailed Towhee

# Yellow-breasted Chat

# Yellow-headed Blackbird

# Western Meadowlark

# Orchard Oriole

# Bullock's Oriole

# Baltimore Oriole

# Tricolored Blackbird

# Brewer's Blackbird

# Northern Waterthrush

# Black-and-white Warbler

# Tennessee Warbler

# Nashville Warbler

# MacGillivray's Warbler

# Hooded Warbler

# American Redstart

# Northern Parula

# Chestnut-sided Warbler

# Palm Warbler

# Townsend's Warbler

# Hermit Warbler

# Red-faced Warbler

# Painted Redstart

# Summer Tanager

# Blue Grosbeak

# Indigo Bunting

Thank you,


Lance Benner



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