Date: 4/26/24 12:06 pm
From: Lance Benner via <lbenner...>
Subject: [LACoBirds] America's Birdiest County: 126 species, noon on Friday
Hi Everyone, As of noon on Friday our total is 126 species. Here are the
species we have FOUND so far:

* Canada Goose

* Gadwall

* Mallard

* Ring-necked Duck

* Lesser Scaup

* Surf Scoter

* Long-tailed Duck

* Red-breasted Merganser

* Ruddy Duck

* Mountain Quail

* California Quail

* Eared Grebe

* Western Grebe

* Rock Pigeon

* Band-tailed Pigeon

* Eurasian Collared-Dove

* Mourning Dove

* Common Poorwill

* Vaux's Swift

* White-throated Swift

* Black-chinned Hummingbird

* Anna's Hummingbird

* Costa's Hummingbird

* Allen's Hummingbird

* American Coot

* Black Oystercatcher

* Semipalmated Plover

* Killdeer

* Whimbrel

* Marbled Godwit

* Surfbird

* Sanderling

* Least Sandpiper

* Spotted Sandpiper

* Wandering Tattler

* Willet

* Bonaparte's Gull

* Heermann's Gull

* Ring-billed Gull

* Western Gull

* California Gull

* Herring Gull

* Caspian Tern

* Forster's Tern

* Royal Tern

* Elegant Tern

* Red-throated Loon

* Pacific Loon

* Common Loon

* Brandt's Cormorant

* Pelagic Cormorant

* Double-crested Cormorant

* Brown Pelican

* Great Blue Heron

* Great Egret

* Snowy Egret

* Green Heron

* Black-crowned Night-Heron

* Yellow-crowned Night-Heron

* Turkey Vulture

* Northern Harrier

* Red-shouldered Hawk

* Red-tailed Hawk

* Barn Owl

* Acorn Woodpecker

* Nuttall's Woodpecker

* Ladder-backed Woodpecker

* Red-Crowned Parrot

* Hammond's Flycatcher

* Western Flycatcher

* Black Phoebe

* Ash-throated Flycatcher

* Cassin's Kingbird

* Western Kingbird

* Hutton's Vireo

* Warbling Vireo

* California Scrub-Jay

* American Crow

* Common Raven

* Oak Titmouse

* Verdin

* Northern Rough-winged Swallow

* Tree Swallow

* Violet-green Swallow

* Barn Swallow

* Cliff Swallow

* Red-Whiskered Bulbul

* Bushtit

* Wrentit

* Red-breasted Nuthatch

* Blue-gray Gnatcatcher

* Bewick's Wren

* Cactus Wren

* European Starling

* California Thrasher

* Northern Mockingbird

* Western Bluebird

* American Robin

* Cedar Waxwing

* House Sparrow

* House Finch

* Lesser Goldfinch

* Lawrence's Goldfinch

* American Goldfinch

* Chipping Sparrow

* Black-throated Sparrow

* Dark-eyed Junco

* White-crowned Sparrow

* Bell's Sparrow

* Song Sparrow

* California Towhee

* Spotted Towhee

* Hooded Oriole

* Scott's Oriole

* Red-winged Blackbird

* Brown-headed Cowbird

* Great-tailed Grackle

* Orange-crowned Warbler

* Common Yellowthroat

* Yellow Warbler

* Yellow-rumped Warbler

* Black-throated Gray Warbler

* Wilson's Warbler

* Western Tanager

* Black-headed Grosbeak

* Lazuli Bunting

Note that we got the yellow-footed gull at Bonelli. We don't have the
Cassin's sparrow from the Antelope Valley yet, although it's not clear
if the bird is still in the area.

Thank you,


Lance Benner



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