Date: 4/26/24 10:33 am
From: Badura, Laurel via <laurel_badura...>
Subject: [NEBirds] Hamilton County Birds
I went to Springer WPA this morning and stopped by Deep Well WMA as well. Springer WPA received 4.65" of rain and Deep well was full too.

Springer WPA

Franklin's gull - 15
Wilson's phalarope -1
Yellow-headed blackbirds - 5
Northern shovelers - 20
Blue-winged teal - 40
Northern bobwhite - 1
Dowitchers - 5 (likely long-billed)

Deep Well WMA

Yellow-headed blackbirds - 13
Blue-winged teal - 5
Northern shoveler - 3
Green-winged teal - 11
Savannah sparrow - 1
Greater yellowlegs - 1
Willet - 1 (at least I think it's a willet as it's not a very good photo)



Laurel Badura
Partners for Fish and Wildlife Biologist
US Fish and Wildlife Service

9325 South Alda Road
Wood River, NE 68883

Cell: 308-440-1388

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