Date: 4/24/24 8:36 am
From: Suan Hsi Yong <suan.yong...>
Subject: [cayugabirds-l] Peregrine viewing on Memorial Day Weekend
Hi local birders,

The Cayuga Bird Club is looking to host a Peregrine watching event at
Taughannock Falls on Memorial Day Weekend. The idea is to have
volunteers with scopes pointing at the peregrines to share with
passers by, with some explanation of the history of Peregrines at

We're looking at a 10am-3pm window from Saturday May 25 through
Monday, May 27, though the exact days and times are not yet finalized.
We could do just one day, two days, or all three days, and may shorten
the viewing window, depending on availability of volunteers.

If you would like to volunteer for this, please fill this form:

or email me your availability, whichever is more convenient (e.g., if
the answer is simply "I can be there the whole time" :-).




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Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) mail-archive_DOT_com/cayugabirds-l@cornell_DOT_edu/maillist_DOT_html
2) surfbirds_DOT_com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) aba_DOT_org/birding-news/

Please submit your observations to eBird:


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