Date: 4/24/24 5:04 am
From: trwdsd via <trwdsd...>
Subject: [hmbirds] Sora, Crossings of Colonie 4/24
Matt D. found a Sora at the Crossings of Colonie on Tuesday. It was vocalizing from the small wetland located at the extreme southern end of the property, where a footbridge crosses the cattails on the connector trail to Maria Dr. I visited the park this morning, and heard two Sora sounding off simultaneously, one close to the bridge, and a second farther away. There is still a large flooded area near the circular parking lot at the south end, and a Greater Yellowlegs was working the edge along with a couple of Killdeer. While listening for the Sora, I was serenaded by a Brown Thrasher singing high in the one remaining tree at the former brushy field next to the parking lot. It is now a plowed, level field for the most part, and a Savannah Sparrow was singing from out in the middle.

Tom Williams

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