Date: 4/22/24 1:30 pm
From: Uwviper <uwviper...>
Subject: [AZNMbirds] [EXT]SEAZ Graham County: Howard Well KENTUCKY and TENNESSEE WARBLERS
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While pre-running my breeding bird survey route this morning in the very SE corner of Graham County, I made a stop at Howard Well.  The BLM has been doing some "renovations" to the pond but these didn't seem to bother the birds.  There was a steady stream of birds coming into bathe and get a quick drink in the pools below the pipe out flow.  In addition to the usual migrants and resident birds, I observed a male TENNESSEE WARBLER in full breeding plumage (bright mossy green back and contrasting grey head with white eye stripe) come into the upper most pool.  It bathed and then preened on an exposed mesquite branch allowing for great views.  Shortly thereafter, a male KENTUCKY WARBLER came into bathe in amongst the Orange-crowned Warblers, which allowed for a good size comparison.  Although it was nice to see the orange crowns for once, the striking black "mask" of the KENTUCKY was the show stopper.  
For those wanting to venture out that way, the roads from Bowie were good, although a bit dusty. This place is a true oasis in the middle of the desert.
Good Birding,Jeff CokerVail/Rio Rico, AZHome Page:
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