Date: 4/22/24 8:13 am
From: Chuck Imbergamo via CTBirds <ctbirds...>
Subject: [CT Birds] Thumbnail images in posts
CT Birders,

Apple seems to have implemented a new feature where a thumbnail image is generated when you include certain web links in your emails. The problem is that the images are seen as attachments by our CT Birds server. Since attachments are not supported, your posts including these images will get rejected by the server.

This is a particular problem with eBird reports that include photos; the photos become thumbnail images in your email and that causes our server to stop your post.

If you notice an image being generated as you compose an email to CT Birds, you can touch the image and remove it using the pop-up menu that should appear.

This may not be happening in all situations with all Apple OS versions, but I wanted to make you aware of it since a great number of posts are being rejected lately.

Anytime there is an image in your email to our list it will fail to post!

If you have any questions please reply to me directly.

Thank you,

Chuck Imbergamo
CT Birds Moderator

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