Date: 4/21/24 8:37 pm
From: Emily Keating via CTBirds <ctbirds...>
Subject: [CT Birds] Kentucky Warbler - Trout Brook Valley Preserve
Dave and I came across a male Kentucky Warbler this afternoon at Trout
Brook Valley Preserve in Weston. The service was terrible so the message
only made it out onto the GroupMe (apologies). It was first seen around
2:30 and present until 6:30 (when we continued on our hike).

If anyone tries to relocate tomorrow, park at the Bradley Rd entrance and
take the green and white trail about a half mile up to the first opening at
the meadow on the right (41.2512600, -73.3393200). If you hit the bridge
you’ve gone too far. It was seen on the right hand side of the trail along
the edges of the forest, actively foraging on the ground.

Good luck!

Emily Keating & Dave Woolery

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