Date: 4/21/24 3:42 pm
From: Barbara Volkle <barb620...>
Subject: [MASSBIRD] Migrants are close!
Thanks to Strickland Wheelock for this report.

Barbara Volkle
Northborough, MA


Date: Sun, 21 Apr 2024 22:02:02 +0000 (UTC)
From: Strickland Wheelock <skwheelock...>
Subject: Migrants are close!

Today Dan Fournier and I did a quick scouting trip for our Audubon CT
Weekend trip this coming Sat where we covered all the planned stops from
start to finish in one day - starting around Stafford Springs to New
Haven to Stonington - getting a feel what migrants are back, check
timing between locations, etc - actually very little birding and lots of
However our very 1st stop we did bird a little and what excitement
immediately - singing Northern and Louisiana Waterthrushes, several Palm
and Yellow-rumped Warblers, then a male Blk& Wht Warbler, Blue-headed
Vireo, then Pine Warblers, many Ruby-cr Kinglets and Blue-grey
Gnatcatchers at every stop, add to this a Veery and Hermit Thrush in the
dirt road, several Towhees, 4 woodpecker species, Sapsuckers,
Broad-winged Hawk plus all the expected species like Titmouse, Wht-b
Nuthatches, Chipping Sparrows, etc - we found all these species with
minimal birding because we knew we had to keep moving along to cover all
the locations - hated to leave all these migrants & others but the plus
is that these migrants are coming or are here!!Other locations we
quickly visited had Warbling Vireos, C Yellowthroat, Virginia
Rails,Rough-w Swallows, many Swamp and Wht-thr Sparrows, Blue-w Teal, N
Pintail, Wood Ducks, Blk Vulture, Snowy & Common Egrets, Sharp-shinned
Hawk - several spots we didn't get out of the car, just listened & moved
on - net result that our quick 1st stop bodes well with still a week of
more migration before the weekend trip - where each stop we will bird
slowly enjoying all the beautiful songs that surrounded us this morning.
Strickland Wheelock
Uxbridge MA

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