Date: 4/20/24 10:57 am
From: Adam Winer via <awiner...>
Subject: [SFBirds] Mt. Davidson, Apr. 20: a handful of migrants
There weren't a lot of migrants this morning atop Mt. D - just singletons
of a handful of species, but most were FOS for me (which isn't saying much
- I've hardly been out). Other birders on the mountain included Travis,
Lydia, Keith, Nina, and (of course) Dominik. Highlights included:

- Orchard Oriole - for 30 seconds high in a euc halfway down the north
slope. Approximately the 7 zillionth OROR in the last 12 months in SF.
- Ash-throated Flycatcher: first low in shrubs at the top of the gully
trail, then refound by Keith along the trail low on the east side of the
- Olive-sided Flycatcher: moving around silently high along the forest edge
- Black-throated Gray Warbler: one flyby

Also had a male Allen's Hummingbird which *seemed *all rufous, but on
closer examination showed a bit of green on the upper back, and when I got
a photo of the spread tail feathers it was clearly an Allen's.

Nina apparently had a Golden-crowned Kinglet as well.

Pics at:

Adam Winer

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