Date: 4/19/24 2:10 pm
From: Sherry Meddick via <wrennietwoburd64.p4...>
Subject: Re: [OrangeCountyBirding] Maple Springs forest gate
I just got home and was in forest earlier (entering as Cynthia left). I went to the end. I think SX 4 is the deepest (this is the stream crossing right after the big downed-oak parking area) and currently would require high boots unless you like wet feet. Nothing exceptional, and very, very few hummers overall. Not much flowering quite yet and the timing might be too late for Calliope when the flowers do bloom. I have had them at the house anywhere from 10 April to 20th but they have been seen slightly later in the forest. So this likely will not be a place to get them. Plenty of vireos, both Hutton's and warbling, and I did hear either a Cassin's or Plumbeous today but I didn't have time to try to track it down. There seems to be one in the forest every year and I cannot tell the diff in song. Warblers are trickling in. Mostly yellow and orange-crowned, but I don't hear Wilson's well and others have noted their presence though not in good number. Ash-throated are here in small numbers, but no sign of western wood-pewee yet (they nest in the forest). No Costa's hummer (too early). I did not see or hear a hairy woodpecker but did not spend any time looking in likely places either. Saw/heard western flycatchers and I assume there are Hammond's about, but did not take the time to look for any. Black-headed grosbeaks and hooded orioles (and perhaps Bullock's) are present. No sign of Lawrence's goldfinch in any number and any purple finch were silent (I usually hear them, but oft see them as well). I briefly stopped in two places to hear the canyon wren, no go. There is a canyon wren here in the canyon but it is not chasable (on private property). I will keep looking/listening. Last year's bird I located was found in June, but in looking at dates in the forest are found from March to July (that July date is mine as there was a bird singing near SX2 until that time, after the bird at Raven's Roost everyone saw/heard was gone with it's fledglings). So, bottom line, If you come on a Tuesday or Wednesday (the quietest days, with Tuesday being the very most bestest!) you will likely hear the above birds and those on Cynthia's list and increasingly more will show. It's still early. It was gorgeous up there today and this weekend will no doubt be a 4X disaster given the gate has been closed for four months. Road is generally not suitable for lower vehicles, per normal.

For those of you that saw the USFS announcement about the bald eagle nest in the forest, I have known since early Feb and the nest is not in OC. I was told about it and asked to keep it to myself which I did. This is the first time in a very long time that the forest has had a nest there. It is along a roadway, but that roadway has been closed all year and remains so as far as I know. I believe the chicks fledged and are now flying with the adults. Cool beans.

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