Date: 4/18/24 10:05 am
From: Bryan Reynolds <nature_photo_man...>
Subject: Recent Oklahoma birds

As many here already know, I've been working on a huge Oklahoma wildflower photography project. While doing this, I also try to get out to photograph other subjects such as birds. I usually do this when road-hunting for wildflowers on various refuges/WMAs, or occasionally, I'll swing through the Purcell City Lake for a few hours on my way to get groceries. I realized I hadn't updated the group with any of my 2024 bird images, so I thought I'd create an album of what I've photographed so far. The first few in this album are some flight shots of Ring-billed Gulls, American Coots feeding, and a Great-tailed Grackle fluffing and a Red-winged Blackbird displaying. Next is a Pied-billed Grebe, including a water shake-off shot after diving, a few more Coots and a Eurasian Collared-Dove. Then a few shots of my FOS Greater Yellowlegs probing for food. Next is a photo-lifer Hermit Thrush as well as a female Northern Cardinal (from the Little River NWR) and a Tufted Titmouse (near Red Slough). Then back to Purcell City Lake to get a basking Great Blue Heron and another foraging Greater Yellowlegs and a European Starling glistening in the sunlight. Back to Little River and I got a Barred Owl in dappled light. And finally, back to Purcell for a Canada Goose sitting on its nest and panting in the heat, a pair of Blue-winged Teal (preening, wing-flapping, flying, foraging and splashing around), a Great-tailed Grackle in flight, a foraging Coot, various shots of a Great Blue Heron (including making a deposit), and finally a White-eyed Vireo.

Here's a link to the album: Recent Oklahoma Birds - 19 Feb-14 Apr 2024 | Flickr<;!!GNU8KkXDZlD12Q!_1upjogrkGefB2AoTTAe1wp9Fi6DTppu4FzlrbQw307oCAl8MfshAqBntzfl4uuBzZgmy_8Z6p-8J9zJsIooSWvzA03TCls$ [flickr[.]com]>

Let me know what you think.

Take care,

Bryan E. Reynolds
My nature and wildlife photography portfolio<;!!GNU8KkXDZlD12Q!_1upjogrkGefB2AoTTAe1wp9Fi6DTppu4FzlrbQw307oCAl8MfshAqBntzfl4uuBzZgmy_8Z6p-8J9zJsIooSWvzytG4iBk$ [flickr[.]com]>

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