Date: 4/17/24 7:32 pm
From: <arbour...> <arbour...>
Subject: Red Slough Bird Survey - April 17

It started off overcast and mild, turning partly cloudy and warm on the survey today. No wind to speak of. I missed the first half of the morning flight out of the heronry/roost when the Great and Snowy Egrets mainly leave so my numbers of them are low. The heronry on Pintail Lake is really taking off with bird numbers increasing daily and now the Little-blue Herons are starting to nest along with the Anhingas and Neotropic Cormorants. Cattle Egrets look like they are close behind them. A few new migrants were passing through and arriving such as Nashville Warblers and Indigo Bunting and Prairie Warbler. Gallinule numbers are really increasing fast. Saw a couple Purple Gallinules in a fight with their feet like roosters fight. The Brown Booby found on Monday this week was a one day wonder unfortunately. Here is my list for today:

Black-bellied Whistling Duck - 14

Canada Geese – 4

Wood Duck - 8

Blue-winged Teal - 86

Northern Shoveler - 6

Lesser Scaup - 1

Hooded Merganser - 2

Ruddy Duck - 2

Pied-billed Grebe – 41

Neotropic Cormorant - 25 (Many sitting on nests)

Double-crested Cormorant - 24

Anhinga - 163 (Many sitting on nests. Lots of males displaying.)

American Bittern - 2

Great-blue Heron - 3

Great Egret - 15

Snowy Egret - 9

Little-blue Heron - 129

Cattle Egret - 2000

Green Heron - 7

Black-crowned Night-Heron - 3

Black Vulture - 1

Turkey Vulture – 2

Red-shouldered Hawk - 1

King Rail - 2

Purple Gallinule - 26

Common Gallinule - 73

American Coot – 210

Killdeer - 2

Greater Yellowlegs - 4

Mourning Dove - 1

Ruby-throated Hummingbird - 3

Red-bellied Woodpecker - 2

Pileated Woodpecker - 1

Eastern Phoebe – 2

Eastern Kingbird - 1

Scissor-tailed Flycatcher - 2

White-eyed Vireo - 9

Red-eyed Vireo - 3

Blue Jay - 2

American Crow – 5

Fish Crow - 8

Tree Swallow - 19

Cliff Swallow - 3

Barn Swallow - 6

Carolina Chickadee – 4

Tufted Titmouse - 7

Carolina Wren – 5

Marsh Wren - 3

Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 1

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - 4

Eastern Bluebird - 2

Northern Mockingbird - 1

Brown Thrasher - 3

Cedar Waxwing - 18

Nashville Warbler - 2

Northern Parula - 2

Yellow-throated Warbler - 1

Prairie Warbler - 1

Black-and-white Warbler - 1

Prothonotary Warbler - 8

Kentucky Warbler - 2

Common Yellowthroat - 12

Summer Tanager - 2

Chipping Sparrow - 2

Lark Sparrow - 1

Savannah Sparrow - 6

Swamp Sparrow – 6

White-throated Sparrow – 6

Northern Cardinal – 8

Indigo Bunting - 1

Red-winged Blackbird – 500

Common Grackle - 36

Brown-headed Cowbird - 6

Orchard Oriole - 1


Orange Bluet

Fragile Forktail

Common Green Darner

Cyrano Darner

Stillwater Clubtail

Eastern Pondhawk

Blue Dasher

Spot-winged Glider

Black Saddlebags


American Alligator

Softshell turtle species

Red-eared Slider

Western Cottonmouth

Southern Copperhead

Speckled Kingsnake

Green Treefrog

Blanchard's Cricket Frog

Green Frog


Good birding!

David Arbour

De Queen, AR

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