Date: 4/15/24 7:56 pm
From: Suan Hsi Yong <suan.yong...>
Subject: [cayugabirds-l] Taughannock Peregrine Outreach
Hello birders,

I was thinking it might be a good outreach opportunity to educate the
public park-goers about the Taughannock Peregrines by scheduling some
viewings, say on weekends when the fledglings are most likely to be
active, which I believe would be May 18-19, May 25-26, June 1-2
(please correct me if you think other dates are better). The idea
would be to have one or two people with scopes pointed at the nest to
show passers by and share information about the bird, the history, and
a bit of "here's why we thought lighting the falls was a bad idea in
late April".

If you would like to volunteer, please let me know. Maybe say which of
the above weekends you would be willing to be present, and approximate
time of day. If there are enough volunteers, we could work out a
schedule of 1-2 hour shifts or something. We could then talk to the
parks and chamber of commerce people to publicize it. I know that
whenever I was there with my scope, the few passers-by on that lightly
used trail were always appreciative when we shared scope views and
information. And I believe that by now the birds are used to us
distant scopers from across the gorge that this should not be a
disturbance to them - but do let me know if you think this is a bad



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