Date: 4/15/24 5:13 pm
From: Andrew Bechdel <andrewbechdel...>
Subject: Tussey Mountain Hawkwatch = April 14-15th, 2024
Good Evening Birders,

Yesterday kicked off our first big Broad-winged Hawk day and was followed
by an *even bigger day today with 168! *Many of today's birds were
extremely high and distant, requiring the utmost diligence and sharp
eyesight. We undoubtedly missed some birds, but this is inevitable. As our
raptor season comes to a culmination, we now have all of the local raptors
(Red-tailed Hawk, Cooper's Hawk, Sharp-shinned Hawk, and Broad-winged Hawk)
back in town and proclaiming and defending their territory around Tussey
Mountain. *A large female Merlin streamed by close on the N side of the
ridge*, our 3rd of the season. We, along with many hawkwatches and
individual birders, only see Merlin a few times a year. It's alway a
special moment when you realize the very fast fast isn't a Kestrel.

In other bird news, we had our first warblers (Pine and Black-throated
Green) singing away in the woods. It won't be long before Black-and-white
warblers are back again too! A Purple Finch was heard emitting its staccato
flight calls for several minutes, starting in the powercut and moving into
the forest briefly before heading N. While we often get flybys, I haven't
seen this behavior yet at the watch.

A big shout out to yesterday's visitor's Coty Ehrenhaus and her 2 sons
Ignacio and Santiago. Ignacio was extremely helpful with the data gathering
and is primed to be the hawkwatcher for Tussey in 10 years!

Tomorrow is uncertain with Westerly winds. Wednesday and Thursday could be
great days if the rain holds off. Only time and scanning will tell.

See you at the Watch!


*Tussey Mountain Hawk WatchState College, Pennsylvania, USADaily Raptor
Counts: Apr 15, 2024SpeciesDay's CountMonth TotalSeason TotalBlack
Vulture000Turkey Vulture0115186Osprey13037Bald Eagle21650Northern
Harrier11314Sharp-shinned Hawk3105155Cooper's Hawk0925American
Goshawk000Red-shouldered Hawk0535Broad-winged Hawk168280280Red-tailed
Hawk573187Rough-legged Hawk000Golden Eagle09158American
Kestrel12035Merlin123Peregrine Falcon003Unknown Accipiter015Unknown
Buteo002Unknown Falcon012Unknown Eagle001Unknown
Raptor025Total:1826811183Observation start time:08:30:00Observation end
time:16:30:00Total observation time:8 hoursOfficial CounterAndrew
BechdelObservers:Nick BolgianoVisitors:N/AWeather:Warm and partly cloudy
with light to moderate W/WNW/NW wind all day. Wind speed: 5-15mph.
Temperature: 15-22 Celsius.Raptor Observations:No Golden Eagles:
Broad-winged flight was concentrated early with many birds getting very
high both over the ridge and over Nittany Valley. Non-migratory raptors: 1
Black Vulture, 5 Turkey Vulture, 3 Bald Eagle, 3 Red-tailed Hawk, 2
Broad-winged Hawk, 1 Sharp-shinned Hawk, 2 Cooper's HawkNon-raptor
Observations:Notable Birds: 4 Dbl Crested Cormorants, FOY Purple Finch, FOY
Pine Warbler, FOY Black-throated Green Warbler, 9 Brown-head Cowbird, 1
Common Loon-11:55 eBird Checklist:<7Cscbirdcl...>%7Cd118425e640c4216a1ef08dc5da9f318%7C7cf48d453ddb4389a9c1c115526eb52e%7C0%7C0%7C638488231707321393%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=jSuo0YhF99pf2uYldyRYi1%2F0DivcZRmSLwhDC4NN6SI%3D&reserved=0
Westerly wind is always variable. Wednesday and Thursday could be good days
if rain holds off.*

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