Date: 4/15/24 8:30 am
From: Daniel Getman <000002b3a133f539-dmarc-request...>
Subject: Apparent Bluebird Nest Failure
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I have one nestbox claimed by a pair of Bluebirds. On April 12, while checking that box, I found 2 eggs - hurrah! Today, I heard a male bluebird calling from that area, trying to attract a mate, which surprised me.

I checked the box, expecting to see 4-5 eggs, but there were still only 2 undisturbed eggs. I’m guessing that the female has either left for some reason or was the victim of a predator, and the male is calling for a new mate.

I’ll wait another day or two, and if no further nest activity, I’ll clean out the box - oh well!

Separately, the House Wrens have returned and calling from various parts of the yard. Normally, I put out ~ 15 gourds spread around our tree lines. But this year, I wasn’t able to obtain any, so I built 20 nest boxes, with 1 1/8 inch holes, with an easily removed front, which will allow me to clean them out and reuse them.
About a week ago, I discovered that a pair of Chickadees had claimed one of them and built a nest, primarily containing moss. Let’s hope the House Wrens leave them alone, especially since there are lots of empty boxes nearby - but House Wrens can be very territorial, so we’ll see.

No Flicker activity at their boxes, but the Starlings are trying to claim them - always a challenge!

Dan Getman, Kirksville, northeast MO

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