Date: 4/14/24 2:07 pm
From: Mary Nemecek <0000000585d83684-dmarc-request...>
Subject: Re: rare bird alert question
Hi Cindy,
Edge explained it very well.  
If we get to a record and review it before the list the alert goes out, for those that get the digest version, it will not show up if it's rejected for public output. But if the bird has not been reviewed, it will show up on the alert.  There is a line at the top of the alerts that say, "NOTE: all sightings are UNCONFIRMED unless indicated". It's then up to the eBird user to make a determination if the record seems worthy of a chase.  If accepted, it says 'confirmed'.  

I can't speak to how the reviewer in AR will handle it, but we would send the observer a message letting them know they chose the incorrect location or asking for additional input as to how they came to that ID. Sometimes we have the wrong location happen in MO when an area the same or similar name as an area in another state.
Any record that is reviewed and not released for public output will always remain on the observer's eBird list, unless they delete it.
Feel free to contact me off list if you have any further questions.
Best,Mary NemecekKCMO
"One planet, one experiment."  -Edward O. Wilson

On Sunday, April 14, 2024 at 03:31:04 PM CDT, Edge Wade <1edgewade...> wrote:

Cindy,I'm responding, but an eBird reviewer will be able to provide a more specific and comprehensive reply.
When a rare/early/late bird is in a submitted checklist, it is flagged and an eBird reviewer sees the flagged species and the whole report.
As with your Orchard Oriole, the eBird reviewer sends a message to the reporter stating why this is a species needing attention on the list, and asking for additional details.
What happens next?  If there is no verification, the species will remain on the reporter's list, but be removed from public view and record.
This may not happen immediately if the eBird reviewer has several things to deal with.  And sometimes there is only one reviewer covering a huge area.  We are very fortunate in Missouri to have a good team of reviewers who are responsible for just a few counties.

And, when they catch up with current stuff, they delve into historic records.  I've been asked to provide additional information about birds seen in South Africa more than 20 years ago, often because there was a subsequent split, but sometimes because I just didn't provide enough detail.
Edge WadeColumbia, <MO1edgewade...>

On Sun, Apr 14, 2024 at 1:16 PM Cindy Bridges <0000009cdc2af652-dmarc-request...> wrote:

WARNING: This message has originated from an External Source. This may be a phishing expedition that can result in unauthorized access to our IT System. Please use proper judgment and caution when opening attachments, clicking links, or responding to this email.Regarding the rare bird alerts I get, and today, I am referring to the Arkansas alert which includes at least 7 that are obviously wrong by the same person. I realize they are unreviewed, but does a reviewer quickly dismiss them or does the person reporting them get an email, a call, something to say, Hey, this bird is in Thailand and not Hardy Arkansas! Hopefully, so they are more careful, or not relying on Merlin or whatever means led them to enter all of these on Ebird. I feel like they need to realize how important correct data is. Ebird flagged my orchard oriole that is at the moment sitting on my hummingbird feeder as rare and I had to address that.


Cindy BridgesCouch MoOregon <Countycjontheriver...>


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