Date: 4/14/24 2:09 pm
From: Edge Wade <1edgewade...>
Subject: Mokane Road Scissor-tails, Loggerhead Shrike, sparrows, etc.
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Pete Monacell birded Mokane Road (Callaway Co.) this morning. His checklist S168582771 beginning at 8:45 a.m. includes 7 Scissor-tailed Flycatchers, a Loggerhead Shrike and Lark Sparrows on the power lines.

By the time I got there at 11:28 (checklist 168628566), the day had begun to heat up and it got to 83F before I left). There was only one bird on a power line, a Lark Sparrow. Birds had headed for shade and very few were singing.

There were Lark Sparrows, and I found one Vesper Sparrow. One STFL was hanging out in the first sycamore on the north side of the road past the blue tarp-roofed quonset structure (tree has much green foliage all around the trunk).

The shrike was a no show. Warbling Vireos were singing.

NOTE: If you go to Mokane Road from the north on US 63, do not exit onto Rt. W, the usual Airport Exit, because the overpass is closed--you can't get across 63/54. Continue across the river, take the Main Street exit, cross the highway and enter the northbound traffic, then take the Airport exit as you are coming from the south.

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