Date: 4/14/24 11:16 am
From: Cindy Bridges <0000009cdc2af652-dmarc-request...>
Subject: rare bird alert question
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Regarding the rare bird alerts I get, and today, I am referring to the Arkansas alert which includes at least 7 that are obviously wrong by the same person. I realize they are unreviewed, but does a reviewer quickly dismiss them or does the person reporting them get an email, a call, something to say, Hey, this bird is in Thailand and not Hardy Arkansas! Hopefully, so they are more careful, or not relying on Merlin or whatever means led them to enter all of these on Ebird. I feel like they need to realize how important correct data is.
Ebird flagged my orchard oriole that is at the moment sitting on my hummingbird feeder as rare and I had to address that.

Cindy Bridges
Couch Mo
Oregon County

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