Date: 4/13/24 8:41 pm
From: Barbara Volkle <barb620...>
Subject: [MASSBIRD] South Shore birding trip 4/13
Thanks to Strickland Wheelock for this post.

Barbara Volkle
Northborough, MA


Date: Sun, 14 Apr 2024 03:26:49 +0000 (UTC)
From: Strickland Wheelock <skwheelock...>
Subject: South Shore birding trip 4/13

Birding the South Shore's various birding areas was for most of the
participants virgin territory as they normally stick to the North Shore.
First stop was the Cumberland Fields where there was much action right
off - Red-bellied Woodpecker by the cars, Wild Turkeys, several Ravens
flying about, many Swamp Sparrows calling and the highlight was a Wht-cr
Sparrow in the path. Besides these species, several N Harriers & some
Red-tailed Hawks plus 1 Sharp-shinned Hawk & Red-shouldered Hawk were
working the field - many Goldfinches & Song Sparrows were active.
Another treat there was several Wilson's Snipe plus Killdeer in the
flooded section of the fields.Burrage Pond was next with many Tree
Swallows plus Rough-winged and Barn Swallows mixed inplus Bluebirds. As
we approached the pond, there was an arial fight between an Osprey and a
Bald Eagle [one of 3 immature eagles seen], plus Ring-necked Ducks,
Green-w Teal, Gt Egret and Gt-blue Herons - the big miss was notspotting
the Sandhill Cranes this time.Onward to Danial Webster WS were weenjoyed
12 Glossy Ibis suddenly dropped into the field for excellent looks, 1
Purple Martin but the wind & weather conditions kept the desired
passerines out of sight - like always, Cowbirds, grackles, Red-wings and
a Wild Turkey feasted at the feeders,After lunch, we traveled directly
to the Manomet Banding facility to show them this important research
property as well as scanning from the cliffs. From the cliffs, we had a
Red-throated Loon below us, several breeding plumage Horned Grebes,
Long-tailed Ducks, Surf & Wht-winged Scoters, Bufflehead, many
Red-breasted Mergansers, C Eider, C Loons and wonderful side by side
comparisons between Great & D-c Cormorants.Last stop was Manomet Point
where you get a wonderful vista of the sea below -before the rain hit
us, we enjoyed several N Gannets, a male Harlequin Duck, all 3 scoter
species, many C Eiders, Red-thr & Common Loons, more breeding plumage
Horned Grebes, Gt Cormorants, C Goldeneye - then the rained swept in
quickly ending our day.In the end on this windy day with some showers,
we found 78 species, had many special experiences as we explored several
excellent birding locations.Always thanks to Dan Fournier, Leslie
Bostrom and Lindsay Neubeck for all their field expertise and working so
closely with the participants to make the day rewarding.

Strickland Wheelock
Uxbridge MA

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