Date: 4/13/24 5:09 pm
From: Constanza Ehrenhaus <cxe1169...>
Subject: The bird club is awesome, keep it up.
A mom who had come to my fall children's bird walk asked me if we could do
that for her child's preschool, so today I led the walk for 20 children and
their parents. While we were waiting for everybody to show up, I mentioned
I was with the bird club and I was doing a spring children's walk in two
weekends. One of the parents said "Oh, there was a bird walk in the
Arboretum, is that the bird club also?", and another parent "What about the
Spring Creek Park walks?" Yes, that is all the bird club. I took the
opportunity at the end of the walk to share with the parents that we not
only do walks open to the public, but also support the Hawkwatch among
other research and conservation efforts. They seemed very interested in it

For whoever needs to hear this today, the efforts you make are noticed. Our
community notices and values them.

Have a good weekend!

Constanza Ehrenhaus.

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