Date: 4/13/24 5:06 pm
From: Karl Schneck <keschneckdds...>
Subject: [RV Birds] 3 GGOW evening
Thursday evening Lee French and I went up to Howard Prairie to look for a
N. Saw-whet Owl. We were a little early for them to be calling so we drove
around the lake to look for GGOW and it was our lucky day. We saw 3
different GGOW in 5-10 minutes and each one was about 1/4 mile from the
next one and all of them right next to the road. I got photos of two of
them from the car and the third I had to open the door to get a shot on the
other side of the road. Photos at:
We met Frank Lospalluto and Riis Hinrichs who were also looking for a N.
Saw-whet Owl and it was quite the scene with 4 owlers standing in the
middle of the road in the pitch black making owl sounds, telling stories,
and cracking jokes. Until I was informed, I thought the 23-car train of
lights in the dark sky was something from ET or Star Wars. but it was the
Musk Express satellites.

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