Date: 4/13/24 4:15 pm
From: Andrew Bechdel <andrewbechdel...>
Subject: Tussey Mountain Hawkwatch - April 13th, 2024
Good Evening Birders,

As expected, today's wind was strong enough to deter most raptors (and
people) from venturing too far. There were only a brave few that took to
the skies including 9 Broad-winged Hawks, 2 Red-tails, 2 Kestrels, and an
unknown accipiter. Almost all of our Broad-wings were seen gliding fast far
N of the ridge and high, making spotting difficult and the looks brief.
Even on slow days, we are as diligent as possible.

In other bird news, a single intrepid Loon flew N despite the harsh, windy
conditions. I didn't see many songbirds and I couldn't hear calls and songs
over the constant blowing of wind.

Tomorrow could be promising as Broad-wings and other raptors have likely
been bottled up for the last few days. That said, I don't know what's going
to happen in the next few days. There are SW winds in the forecast and that
will undoubtedly bring raptors.

See you at the Watch


*Tussey Mountain Hawk WatchState College, Pennsylvania, USADaily Raptor
Counts: Apr 13, 2024SpeciesDay's CountMonth TotalSeason TotalBlack
Vulture000Turkey Vulture0112183Osprey02734Bald Eagle01347Northern
Harrier01112Sharp-shinned Hawk094144Cooper's Hawk0925American
Goshawk000Red-shouldered Hawk0535Broad-winged Hawk95151Red-tailed
Hawk264178Rough-legged Hawk000Golden Eagle09158American
Kestrel21833Merlin012Peregrine Falcon003Unknown Accipiter115Unknown
Buteo002Unknown Falcon012Unknown Eagle001Unknown
Raptor025Total:14418920Observation start time:08:30:00Observation end
time:16:30:00Total observation time:8 hoursOfficial CounterAndrew
BechdelObservers:Nick BolgianoVisitors:N/AWeather:Overcast in the morning
with cloud cover slowly dissipating in the afternoon. Very strong W/WNW
throughout. Wind Speed: 15-30mph. Temperature: 4-10 Celsius.Raptor
Observations:No Golden Eagles. Flight was slow due to the strong W/WNW
wind. Most of the flight was located on the far N side of the ridge and
high with most raptors flying quickly in a glide.Non-raptor
Observations:Notable Birds: 1 Common Loon eBird Checklist:<7Cscbirdcl...>%7C85e5d2bf0a4d4a28fd9608dc5c0f933b%7C7cf48d453ddb4389a9c1c115526eb52e%7C0%7C0%7C638486469161341546%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=7fSMDSXqi9S4oyXN6UlAUoXPXZmgIh35nwZFO0UMKfQ%3D&reserved=0
Tomorrow's forecast could bring a decent flow of Broad-wings and other
raptors that have been bottled up for the last few days. Otherwise, Tuesday
and Wednesday are still possible good days.*

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