Date: 4/13/24 7:36 am
From: JERRY WILLIAMS <jmwilliams01982...>
Subject: Hollister Roadrunner building nest
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It only took THIRTEEN attempts, but Margie & I finally saw the greater roadrunner in Hollister. We saw it yesterday evening at 6:45 pm. We watched it chase off a crow and a Eurasian Collared Dove, eat a few bugs, and then Margie noticed it pick up a short stick and head up the hill. We followed it from a safe distance to prevent disturbing it. It hopped up into a cedar and placed the stick in the makeshift nest. It then sang the sad Mourning Dove song three times. That was a first for us.

The nest is about 80-100 feet downhill from the black mailbox at 211 Sunset Drive. There is a line of small cedar trees right next to the road. The nest is about eight feet off the ground.

Jerry & Margie Williams
Republic, Greene County, Mo

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