Date: 4/13/24 7:21 am
From: JERRY WILLIAMS <jmwilliams01982...>
Subject: Barry County 4/12
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Margie & I spent a few hours in Barry county yesterday. Trees are starting to leaf out, migrants are starting to move in. Lots of Northern Parula, heard several Yellow-throated Warblers. Saw and heard several Yellow-rumped, Black & White Warblers and Yellow-throated Vireos. Also heard Louisiana Waterthrush. Ran into Sheila Burns and Becky Wylie at the Oynx Cave Picnic area on Sugar Camp Drive. They had just seen a Cerulean Warbler, which we heard but did not see. We also heard a Hooded Warbler singing part of its song as well as Pine Warbler.

We added new for the year Vesper Sparrow, Eastern Kingbird, Red-eyed Vireo.

Wild Ginger, Wild Hyacinth, Larkspur, Star of Bethlahem, Trilliums, Squaw Weed, Wild Phlox, wild honeysuckle, Spiderwort (purple, white, and pink) all blooming.

The Great Horned Owl nest in Cassville has two Owlets. They are covered with white down except where their facial discs are beginning to shape. They are big enough that the parent has to roost next to the nest. Leaf out is making it a challenge to get a clear view. The nest can be viewed with a spotting scope from west 10th street, about a half a mile east of highway 37. Look on the north side of the road at the east end of the treeline on the ridge about a quarter mile north of the street.

Also, for anyone birding at Roaring River state park, the highway department is resurfacing county road F from highway 112 to highway 86. One lane traffic during the resurfacing process. Hopefully they will make enough progress next week to allow better access to the east end of the park and the road to munsey cemetery.

Jerry & Margie Williams
Republic, Greene County, Mo.

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