Date: 4/13/24 4:37 am
From: Jody Enck <jodyenck...>
Subject: [cayugabirds-l] Cayuga Bird Club Earth Day activities at Lighthouse Point
Hi All,

It has been our Club's tradition for several years now to engage in
conservation projects to celebrate Earth Day. This year, we will have two
times for everyone to get involved down at Lighthouse Point. First, on
Sunday, April 21st, we will join with the Trees Up Tompkins folks and a
plethora of students from Cornell University from about 10am to noon (I
will arrive much earlier to do some birding) to remove non-native, invasive
plant species, and to inventory our existing plots to see what repairs to
fences etc. are needed this spring.

The next day, Monday 22nd April (actual Earth Day), we will be joined by
some students from the New Roots Charter School who are working on a
service project. More details about time, etc. on that later.

Both days, we will have lots of opportunities for folks to do some birding,
to learn about our conservation projects, to pull some privet if you would
like (not necessary though), and to help with some note taking. If you can
help out or have any questions, please let me know.

Jody Enck

Jody W. Enck, PhD
Conservation Social Scientist, and
Founder of the Sister Bird Club Network


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