Date: 4/12/24 7:09 pm
From: Vic Fondy <treasurecreek...>
Subject: [sd-birds] Whitewood North
We birded today mainly lakes from Whitewood to Bear Butte Lake, Newell
Lagoons and golf course, Newell Lake, and return via Nisland slough and
lagoons, and other lakes along Whitewood Valley Road.  There were lots
of waterfowl and we ended up with 15 duck species including FOS
Blue-winged Teal. Raptors included  Rough-legged and Red-tailed Hawks,
Northern Harrier, American Kestrel and one Golden Eagle.  We had good
weather today with temperatures reaching 75 F but also pretty gusty
winds.  The wind farm wind chargers NE of Newell were turning nicely.
The repair work at Newell Lake is finished and you can again drive to
the east side but the lake water level is quite low.  We had several FOS
sightings including lots of Tree Swallows at Bear Butte Lake, Cormorants
and Loggerhead Shrike at Newell Lake, various sightings of Common
Grackles, and several sightings of Greater Yellowlegs.  My picture today
is a Jackrabbit which was with 3 others Jackrabbits. Jackrabbits have
been scarce for several years and this small group indicates they might
be increasing in numbers.  I believe Snowy Owl sightings are somewhat
tied to the number of Jackrabbits available.

We had our FOS Morning Dove at Whitewood when we returned.  In addition,
the Lewis's Woodpecker was back.

Vic/Donna Fondy 605.269.2553

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