Date: 4/11/24 1:00 pm
From: Leff, Fred <fred.leff...>
Subject: [cayugabirds-l] Bird Walk at the Seneca Meadows Wetland Preserve
I am leading a bird walk to the Seneca Meadows Wetland Preserve (1712 Black Brook Road Seneca Falls, NY 13148) at 9:00 AM on this Saturday April 13.
We will walk a total of about 3 miles in about 3 hours. Included in this walk is the first Bald Eagle nest ever on the property. And on Sunday 4/7, we observed a very tiny young eagle being fed by one of its parents!
We may see some early migrant passerines and waterfowl as well. The trails have been very wet so please bring waterproof boots.
Please use the link below to register:

Thank you


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