Date: 4/10/24 4:31 pm
From: Florence Sanchez via <sanchezucsb11...>
Subject: [sbcobirding] Thanks for all the helpful input
I can't adequately express my gratitude for all the responses I received about my binoculars crisis.  All were very helpful.  As more than one respondent said, binoculars are a highly individual thing and each person is sure theirs are the best, but I got lots of good insight from you folks as to why you feel that way and what you particularly liked about your make and models. 
I also had several people offer to loan me a pair in the interim while I make up my mind and order news ones, and for that too I am most grateful.  I am using a borrowed pair now that is very close to what I had in mind, and it's been a real help to actually have them in hand.
Truly, other birders are a birder's best friends.
Florence Sanchez
PS--I found the website to have some really good specific comparisons and reviews of many models.

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