Date: 4/10/24 7:45 am
From: Ian Nisbet <icnisbet...>
Subject: [MASSBIRD] Eurasian Green-winged Teal again
The male Eurasian Green-winged Teal returned this morning to the same
pond in the salt marsh where I saw it on January 27. This time, it was
accompanying a male American Green-winged Teal and two females. It was
paired to one of the females and spent most of its time either
displaying to her or driving off the other male. The two pairs flew off
separately. I tried to compare the two females and could not see any

I have only seen teal here a few times since January. They were usually
in small groups of up to 5: there are usually more here in the first
half of April. They rarely stay for more than half an hour, but I have
checked them several times and did not see the Eurasian male again until

Ian Nisbet, North Falmouth.

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