Date: 4/9/24 6:04 pm
From: Betsy Checchia <betsy.checchia...>
Subject: [AZNMbirds] [EXT]Central NM -- Rio Grande Nature Center State Park, Albuquerque, 8 April
External Email

Hiked around the Rio Grande Nature Center State Park yesterday late
morning. 43 species total, including a good assortment of ducks (10 Wood
Ducks, 8 males, 2 females), Osprey, Violet Green and Barn Swallows, Hermit
Thrush, and a couple of Lucy's Warblers. I found a small flock of sparrows
(and one Hermit Thrush) that I assumed were White-crowned, but was
pleasantly surprised to find that most of them were White-throated (bird of
the day). I also found a porcupine high in a Cottonwood tree -- the first
one I've seen in New Mexico.

Today I saw my FOS Swainson's Hawks -- one off I-25 near the Isleta Casino,
and another off I-256 near the airport.

Link to yesterday's eBird report:

Betsy Checchia
South Valley, ABQ
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