Date: 4/7/24 4:07 pm
From: lcarrigan_55 <carriganbw...>
Subject: [IBLE] Spring
Nothing rare to report. But, after a grayer overcast winter than we usually have, it's nice to see aspen catkins appearing, willow & cottonwood buds swelling & grasses greening. This weekend, new arrivals were: White Pelicans & DC Cormorants along the Snake & a couple of Bohemian Waxwings through the yard.

Bald Eagle pair along the river have a new nest in same tree (old one blew down last fall) & female has been in the nest, with only head & back showing, every time I hike down to check over past 2 weeks. Good to see! If it's the same pair, 4th nest they've built in general vicinity over past 15 years. Seems, after a certain size, our wind-tunnel winds along the Snake are good at taking eagle nests down. Most numerous feeder bird is still American Goldfinch, 50+ at a time.

Brian Carrigan

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