Date: 4/5/24 7:12 am
From: <sshultz...>
Subject: First Double Digit Wobbler Morning of the Season
You did it. You made it through the long, hard winter. You endured days on
end with highs in the 60s, afternoons with the top down, and you even
created a spreadsheet to see how many BTUs you saved by not burning off too
much natural gas. Yes, winter in Carolina is no joke. But that is past and
now we have glorious spring to enjoy. Clouds of pollen dancing like
sugarplums, air conditioners rattling on in the wee hours of the morning,
and the mosquitos, oh those friendly mosquitos.

But. spring brings birds. And now that we are looking in toward the heart of
April, they are a comin'.

I enjoyed my first double-digit showing of spring wobblers this morning
along the Haw River at the US64 bridge (Chatham Co, NC). Warblers have been
right on time this year, neither late nor, with slight exception, early.
Vireos seem a bit tardy, but they were always problem children.

Ovenbird - recently arrived. Contrary to the name, please do *not* put in
the oven.

Louisiana Waterthrush - Much quieter now that they are presumably on eggs.
Present for several weeks.

Black and White Warbler - No, that is not a squeaky bicycle wheel that you
are hearing.

Prothonotary Warbler - At the bridge

Hooded Warbler - Could have used a hoodie this morning as it was in the low
to mid-forties, but seemed OK with it.

American Redstart - 'Merica! I wanted to crack open a Budweiser and wave a
flag. But I planned poorly, although not completely my fault as these were a
touch early.

Northern Parula - Zip, zipping along. Lots, and since they sing several
songs, you get the whole album just by sitting in one spot.

Pine Warbler - Included as list padding

Yellow-throated Warbler - MUCH quieter now that they have been here a while
and are presuming fending off cowbirds and poking around at eggs.

Yellow-rumped Warbler - list padder

So there we have it. All the players are in their positions and ready to go.
Spring has a sprung. Get out there and get you some.

Steve Shultz
Apex NC
(It may be called the Peak of Good Living, but please don't move here, we
have too much traffic as it is)

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