Date: 3/28/24 9:25 pm
From: Rosie Watts <pinyonjay...>
Subject: [AZNMbirds] [EXT]Pantano Riverwalk vultures
External Email

Yesterday morning, Jim saw roughly 60 turkey vultures over the Riverwalk
from his view on the east side of Fort Lowell Park. Last evening at the
Riverwalk only a couple of birds to report.

This morning, Jim was treated to about 20 turkey vultures flying very low
overhead in the park near the pond.

We went to the Riverwalk this evening after our walk, only one bird in the
air, it was about 5:45. However Jim eventually is spotted several perched
birds quite a distance to the east. There were at least a dozen turkey
vultures in what appeared to be the tops of old eucalyptus trees.

Certainly can't set your clock based on if and when they'll be seen, but
it's fun to keep guessing and looking.

Happy Birding
Jim and Rosie Watts
Tucson, Arizona
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