Date: 1/9/25 3:36 pm From: Thomas Benson via <tbenson...> Subject: [inlandcountybirds] Southeastern CA RBA: January 9, 2025
* California
* Southeastern
* January 9, 2025
* CASE25.01.09
This is the Southeastern CA weekly RBA summary. We cover Imperial, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties. California Bird Records Committee review species are denoted by asterisks. To report a bird POST TO INLANDCOUNTYBIRDS ( If there is some reason that you cannot post there, please e-mail or call/text Tom Benson at <tbenson...> or (909) 648-0899.
A LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL continued at Silverwood Lake through Jan 6 (Bill Deppe).
A *THICK-BILLED KINGBIRD* continued at Bellevue Memorial Park through Jan 8 (Dan Stoebel).
A CHESTNUT-COLLARED LONGSPUR was observed at Harper Dry Lake on Jan 2 (Gary McLarty).
A HEPATIC TANAGER continued on private property in Redlands through Jan 5 (Matt Grube).
A RED-NECKED GREBE continued at Lake Elsinore through Jan 5 (Adam Jackson).
A TROPICAL KINGBIRD continued at Demuth Park in Palm Springs through Jan 3 (Stephen Spector).
An AMERICAN DIPPER continued at Andreas Canyon through Jan 7 (Chris Weber).
A BENDIRE'S THRASHER continued at the San Jacinto Wildlife Area through Jan 7 (Matthew Bell).
No reports.
Birds included in this weekly summary are those that are considered casual or of less than annual occurrence in San Bernardino, Riverside, or Imperial Counties, or in some cases regionally within these areas. If you do find or see something of interest, whether it be a geographical or seasonal rarity, evidence of local range expansion, or a novel breeding record, I'd recommend sharing that information with the CBRC, North American Birds subregional editors, or regional listservs as appropriate. Information for contacting these entities is available below.
Please submit your documentation of all California Bird Records Committee review species (denoted by asterisks) to CBRC Secretary Tom Benson at <secretary...> or via the CBRC website:
CBRC review species and birds of local or seasonal rarity should be reported to the North American Birds ( county coordinators. They are:
IMPERIAL COUNTY: Guy McCaskie, <guymcc...>
INYO COUNTY: Chris and Rosie Howard, <chris93514...>
KERN COUNTY: Kelli Heindel-Levinson, <kkheindel...>
RIVERSIDE COUNTY: David Rankin, <david.rankin...>
SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY: Alexander E. Koonce, <sandy_koonce...>
Other dying birding listservs that occasionally include reports of birds in southern California are:
A schedule of San Bernardino Valley Audubon Society field trips is available on the SBVAS website at
Bird status and distribution references that every southeastern California birder should own:
Birds of southern California: status and distribution (1981), by Kimball L. Garrett and Jon L. Dunn
Birds of the Salton Sea: status, biogeography, and ecology (2003), by Michael A. Patten, Guy McCaskie, and Philip Unitt (update:
Birds of the Lower Colorado River Valley (1991), by Kenneth V. Rosenberg, Robert D. Ohmart, William C. Hunter, and Bertin W. Anderson
Date: 1/7/25 10:05 am From: Julie Szabo via <jsszabo1...> Subject: [inlandcountybirds] Elsinore CBC Final Totals for 12/28/24
The Elsinore CBC was held on Saturday 12/28/24, with 22 participants. Despite the North main divide area off Hwy 74 in the Santa Ana Mountains being closed off due to the Airport Fire that occured in the fall, we did our best to make up for that loss of prime habitat. The total species this year was 143, a new record high for the count (last year was 141). An additional 8 species were seen during count week. Four new species to the count this year, 1 Red-necked Grebe (David Rankin) , 3 Red-breasted Mergansers (continuing birds) , 1 Clay-colored Sparrow (Julie Szabo) and 1 Pin-tailed Whydah (Charity Hagen).
I want to thank all of the people who participated in the count this year! Excellent job by all!
Date: 1/2/25 9:20 pm From: Thomas Benson via <tbenson...> Subject: [inlandcountybirds] Southeastern CA RBA: January 2, 2025
* California
* Southeastern
* January 2, 2025
* CASE25.01.02
This is the Southeastern CA weekly RBA summary. We cover Imperial, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties. California Bird Records Committee review species are denoted by asterisks. To report a bird POST TO INLANDCOUNTYBIRDS ( If there is some reason that you cannot post there, please e-mail or call/text Tom Benson at <tbenson...> or (909) 648-0899.
Three BARROW'S GOLDENEYES were seen at Parker Dam on Dec 27 (Todd Easterla).
A LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL continued at Silverwood Lake through Dec 31 (Kathy Snyder).
A HEPATIC TANAGER was seen on private property in Redlands on Jan 1 (Matt Grube).
A RED-NECKED GREBE was seen at Lake Elsinore Dec 28-Jan 2 (David Rankin).
A BENDIRE'S THRASHER continued at the San Jacinto Wildlife Area through Jan 2 (Chet McGaugh).
An AMERICAN DIPPER was seen at Andreas Canyon on Jan 2 (Kara Jakse).
A RED-THROATED LOON and a PACIFIC LOON were seen at Brock Research Center on Dec 28 (Grigory Heaton).
A *CURVE-BILLED THRASHER* continued at Rio Bend Golf Course through Jan 1 (Michael Hingerty).
Birds included in this weekly summary are those that are considered casual or of less than annual occurrence in San Bernardino, Riverside, or Imperial Counties, or in some cases regionally within these areas. If you do find or see something of interest, whether it be a geographical or seasonal rarity, evidence of local range expansion, or a novel breeding record, I'd recommend sharing that information with the CBRC, North American Birds subregional editors, or regional listservs as appropriate. Information for contacting these entities is available below.
Please submit your documentation of all California Bird Records Committee review species (denoted by asterisks) to CBRC Secretary Tom Benson at <secretary...> or via the CBRC website:
CBRC review species and birds of local or seasonal rarity should be reported to the North American Birds ( county coordinators. They are:
IMPERIAL COUNTY: Guy McCaskie, <guymcc...>
INYO COUNTY: Chris and Rosie Howard, <chris93514...>
KERN COUNTY: Kelli Heindel-Levinson, <kkheindel...>
RIVERSIDE COUNTY: David Rankin, <david.rankin...>
SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY: Alexander E. Koonce, <sandy_koonce...>
Other dying birding listservs that occasionally include reports of birds in southern California are:
A schedule of San Bernardino Valley Audubon Society field trips is available on the SBVAS website at
Bird status and distribution references that every southeastern California birder should own:
Birds of southern California: status and distribution (1981), by Kimball L. Garrett and Jon L. Dunn
Birds of the Salton Sea: status, biogeography, and ecology (2003), by Michael A. Patten, Guy McCaskie, and Philip Unitt (update:
Birds of the Lower Colorado River Valley (1991), by Kenneth V. Rosenberg, Robert D. Ohmart, William C. Hunter, and Bertin W. Anderson
1/2/2025: The Red-necked Grebe found on the Elsinore CBC on 12/28/24 by David Rankin, continued today at the same location just north of the Storm Baseball Stadium. 33.656362,-117.304630
Note, I searched for it between 8-9 am this morning without success, and returned at 3:00 pm and it was there. Greg Cross saw it at the same location at mid-day. Charity Hagen and another person saw it yesterday at the same location, so it may hide in some of the tall plants near the rock dam.
Good Birding!
Julie SzaboWildomar, CA
Yahoo Mail: Search, Organize, Conquer
Date: 12/31/24 8:36 pm From: Thomas Sevey via <thomasdsevey...> Subject: [inlandcountybirds] Bendire's Thrasher SJWA
The Bendire's was found again mid afternoon today Dec. 31st. I located it in the usual spot (end of Davis Rd in the olive trees near the locked gate) Nice to hear the bird vocalize. I also looked for the Zone-tail but no luck with that.
Date: 12/31/24 7:01 am From: Brad Singer via <bcsinger...> Subject: [inlandcountybirds] Salton Sea North Christmas Bird Count
All, Sorry for the last minute announcement, but the Salton Sea North CBC will take place on Saturday, January 4, 2025. Chet McGaugh, the long-time compiler for this historic bird count has retired and I will be taking over temporarily. *We will meet at 6:30 am, at the big ARCO AM/PM on the corner of 66th and the 86S Expressway near Mecca. * For those familiar with the count and still would like to participate (would love your help), please contact me at <bcsinger...> For those wanting to participate for the first time, please feel free to contact me as well. Thanks, Brad Singer SBVAS, President
Date: 12/27/24 12:29 pm From: Thomas Benson via <tbenson...> Subject: [inlandcountybirds] Southeastern CA RBA: December 27, 2024
* California
* Southeastern
* December 27, 2024
* CASE24.12.27
This is the Southeastern CA weekly RBA summary. We cover Imperial, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties. California Bird Records Committee review species are denoted by asterisks. To report a bird POST TO INLANDCOUNTYBIRDS ( If there is some reason that you cannot post there, please e-mail or call/text Tom Benson at <tbenson...> or (909) 648-0899.
A *THICK-BILLED KINGBIRD* continued in Rancho Cucamonga through Dec 23 (Tom Benson).
A *THICK-BILLED KINGBIRD* continued at Bellevue Memorial Park through Dec 23 (Tom Benson).
A *CURVE-BILLED THRASHER* continued at the Bake sewage ponds through Dec 24 (Max Breshears).
A ZONE-TAILED HAWK and a *RUFOUS-BACKED ROBIN* were seen at Palo Verde Ecological Reserve on Dec 24 (Kiandra Mitchell).
A ZONE-TAILED HAWK continued at the San Jacinto Wildlife Area through Dec 27 (Chet McGaugh).
A BENDIRE'S THRASHER continued at the San Jacinto Wildlife Area through Dec 25 (Karen Pinckard).
A DUSKY-CAPPED FLYCATCHER was seen at the Rio Bend Golf Course on Dec 22 (Josh McLaughlin).
A *CURVE-BILLED THRASHER* continued at Rio Bend Golf Course through Dec 23 (Joshua Stacy).
Birds included in this weekly summary are those that are considered casual or of less than annual occurrence in San Bernardino, Riverside, or Imperial Counties, or in some cases regionally within these areas. If you do find or see something of interest, whether it be a geographical or seasonal rarity, evidence of local range expansion, or a novel breeding record, I'd recommend sharing that information with the CBRC, North American Birds subregional editors, or regional listservs as appropriate. Information for contacting these entities is available below.
Please submit your documentation of all California Bird Records Committee review species (denoted by asterisks) to CBRC Secretary Tom Benson at <secretary...> or via the CBRC website:
CBRC review species and birds of local or seasonal rarity should be reported to the North American Birds ( county coordinators. They are:
IMPERIAL COUNTY: Guy McCaskie, <guymcc...>
INYO COUNTY: Chris and Rosie Howard, <chris93514...>
KERN COUNTY: Kelli Heindel-Levinson, <kkheindel...>
RIVERSIDE COUNTY: David Rankin, <david.rankin...>
SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY: Alexander E. Koonce, <sandy_koonce...>
Other dying birding listservs that occasionally include reports of birds in southern California are:
Date: 12/27/24 11:43 am From: Anthony Metcalf via <ametcalf...> Subject: [inlandcountybirds] Zone-tailed Hawk Continues at the San Jacinto WildlIfe Area
HI all, Serving as the messenger. The Zone-tailed Hawk is being reported today Dec 27 at the SJWA visible from the autoloop where it has been observed off and on for several weeks. Tomorrow Saturday is a hunt day and the SJWA is then closed to the public for that event. Tony SBVAS
Anthony Metcalf Department of Biology California State University, San Bernardino 5500 University Parkway San Bernardino, CA 92407 (909) 537-7501 FAX: (909) 537-7038
Date: 12/24/24 12:25 pm From: Tom Benson via <thomasabenson...> Subject: [inlandcountybirds] Rufous-backed Robin at Palo Verde Ecological Reserve, Dec 24
Kiandra Mitchell is reporting a Rufous-backed Robin at Palo Verde Ecological Reserve at (33.6897658, -114.5221794). There is also a ZTHA cruising around. Tom BensonRedlands, CA
Date: 12/19/24 2:17 pm From: Thomas Benson via <tbenson...> Subject: [inlandcountybirds] Southeastern CA RBA: December 19, 2024
* California
* Southeastern
* December 19, 2024
* CASE24.12.19
This is the Southeastern CA weekly RBA summary. We cover Imperial, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties. California Bird Records Committee review species are denoted by asterisks. To report a bird POST TO INLANDCOUNTYBIRDS ( If there is some reason that you cannot post there, please e-mail or call/text Tom Benson at <tbenson...> or (909) 648-0899.
A LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL continued at Silverwood Lake through Dec 17 (Sandy Koonce).
A ZONE-TAILED HAWK was seen over Prado Regional Park on Dec 12 (Becca Cockrum).
A *THICK-BILLED KINGBIRD* was seen on private property in Rancho Cucamonga on Dec 12 (Michael Peralez).
The *THICK-BILLED KINGBIRD* continued at Bellevue Memorial Park through Dec 16 (Doug Strange).
A ZONE-TAILED HAWK continued at the San Jacinto Wildlife Area through Dec 13 (Susan Roy).
A BENDIRE'S THRASHER continued at the San Jacinto Wildlife Area through Dec 17 (Greg Cross).
A SHORT-BILLED GULL was seen near the intersection of Young and English Roads in Calipatria on Dec 17 (Brennan Mulrooney).
A TRICOLORED HERON was seen near the intersection of Vail and Severe Roads (SESS) on Dec 17 (Lesley Handa).
A YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER was seen along the East Highline Canal in Brawley on Dec 12 (Todd Easterla).
A *CURVE-BILLED THRASHER* continued at Rio Bend Golf Course through Dec 16 (Dan Jehl).
A NORTHERN WATERTHRUSH was seen aat Salton Hot Springs on Dec 11 (Luke Tiller).
Birds included in this weekly summary are those that are considered casual or of less than annual occurrence in San Bernardino, Riverside, or Imperial Counties, or in some cases regionally within these areas. If you do find or see something of interest, whether it be a geographical or seasonal rarity, evidence of local range expansion, or a novel breeding record, I'd recommend sharing that information with the CBRC, North American Birds subregional editors, or regional listservs as appropriate. Information for contacting these entities is available below.
Please submit your documentation of all California Bird Records Committee review species (denoted by asterisks) to CBRC Secretary Tom Benson at <secretary...> or via the CBRC website:
CBRC review species and birds of local or seasonal rarity should be reported to the North American Birds ( county coordinators. They are:
IMPERIAL COUNTY: Guy McCaskie, <guymcc...>
INYO COUNTY: Chris and Rosie Howard, <chris93514...>
KERN COUNTY: Kelli Heindel-Levinson, <kkheindel...>
RIVERSIDE COUNTY: David Rankin, <david.rankin...>
SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY: Alexander E. Koonce, <sandy_koonce...>
Other dying birding listservs that occasionally include reports of birds in southern California are:
A schedule of San Bernardino Valley Audubon Society field trips is available on the SBVAS website at
Bird status and distribution references that every southeastern California birder should own:
Birds of southern California: status and distribution (1981), by Kimball L. Garrett and Jon L. Dunn
Birds of the Salton Sea: status, biogeography, and ecology (2003), by Michael A. Patten, Guy McCaskie, and Philip Unitt (update:
Birds of the Lower Colorado River Valley (1991), by Kenneth V. Rosenberg, Robert D. Ohmart, William C. Hunter, and Bertin W. Anderson
Date: 12/19/24 8:49 am From: Anthony Metcalf via <ametcalf...> Subject: [inlandcountybirds] Reminder: San Jacinto Lake CBC is THIS Friday, Dec 20.
Hi everyone,
This year the CASL CBC will be held Friday, Dec 20. This is the CBC that
covers the San Jacinto Wildlife Area, Mystic Lake, Lake Perris, Private
Duck Clubs (with permission to enter), Water District Facilities(with
permission to enter) and surrounding areas. Please contact David Rankin or
Tony Metcalf if you have an interest in a specific area. Once again, we
will meet at 7AM at the corner of Bridge Street and Ramona Expressway to
discuss coverage and pass out information materials. So, if you would like,
you can meet David (619-869-3952) and Tony (951-347-7710) there,
too. Thank you all in advance for helping out, and to tempt you further,
it was only two years ago we found BLACK-HEADED GULL and WOOD SANDPIPER and
just missed LITTLE STINT for the count day. This year….who knows? Our email
and cell phone numbers are:
Tony Metcalf—<aemetcalf...>; 951-347-7710
David <Rankin--darkfirefalcon...>; 619-869-3952
Tony Metcalf and David Rankin
Anthony Metcalf
Department of Biology
California State University, San Bernardino
5500 University Parkway
San Bernardino, CA 92407
(909) 537-7501
FAX: (909) 537-7038
All, Meet at the San Bernardino County Museum in the large room just left of the entrance to the main building. Everybody is welcome. More info at Brad Singer
Date: 12/16/24 9:51 pm From: Thomas Benson via <tbenson...> Subject: [inlandcountybirds] Imperial Valley: Pectoral Sandpiper, three Surf Scoters
Forwarding for Paul Lehman:
Late Sunday and much of Monday I scouted a tiny little fraction of the Imperial Valley for the upcoming South End Salton Sea CBC on Tuesday. By far the best bird I came across was a Pectoral Sandpiper at the east end of the duck club ponds along Yocum immediately southeast of the town of Calipatria. As usual, also small numbers of Northern Rough-winged Swallows there. The next best bird both yesterday and today were the three Surf Scoters at Carter Reservoir which is along Highway 86 between Poe Road and Vendel Road. Also a Red-breasted Merganser there. A Red-shouldered Hawk near Calipatria is almost annual there.