Date: 3/28/25 6:12 am
From: Walter Medwid <wmedwid...>
Subject: [VTBIRD] Rodenticides and raptors/owls
Forgive me if this posting isn't proper however does anyone know if VT
Audubon is leading the charge on this issue in Vermont? This goes to the
heart of an issue we all care about. See below.

Lawmakers and advocates, including CT Audubon, gathered in Hartford
yesterday at the CT General Assembly Environment Committee’s public hearing
to support HB 6915, a bill aimed at restricting second-generation
anticoagulant rodenticides (SGARs)—a major threat to birds of prey like
hawks, eagles, and owls. These poisons linger in rodents, unintentionally
harming predators that eat them. And to support HB 6916, a bill to restrict
the use of neonicotinoids for certain commercial and agricultural
applications—neonics can kill birds directly, and they also decimate the
insects that birds rely on for food, including caterpillars.
If you haven't already, sign up to receive our Action Alerts to be notified
when to act and to receive messages about the campaign.

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