Date: 3/26/25 2:56 pm
From: mitchellterry1957 <mitchellterry1957...>
Subject: Re: Vermillion flycatcher
I traded it in on the new 100-500mm canon. It's just as sharp and about  half the weight. Sent from my U.S.Cellular© Smartphone
-------- Original message --------From: Mike Ludewig <fishinorbirding...> Date: 3/26/25 3:43 PM (GMT-06:00) To: <OKBIRDS...> Subject: Re: Vermillion flycatcher Great pictures Terry -- still "hauling" that big ol 600mm Canon around?Mike LudewigClaremoreOn Mon, Mar 24, 2025 at 11:02 AM mitchellterry1957 <mitchellterry1957...> wrote:Mark Perterson and I just found a Vermillion Flaycatcher on the backside of the pond that the neo-teopic Cormorant  has been seen.Sent from my U.S.Cellular© Smartphone
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