Date: 3/26/25 11:02 am
From: Chris Barrigar <1chrisbarrigar...>
Subject: Vermilion Flycatcher - NO, 3/26, Miller Co.
Sadly, for the 2nd straight day, the Miller Co. VEFL has been absent.

On possibly a brighter note, I've graciously received word from a bird watcher in NW AR that a brilliant male Vermilion Flycatcher was reported yesterday in Siloam Springs AR which is about 200 miles away (as a bird flies, about 250 miles via auto) which is very possible for it to have traveled Monday night. Could it be our homeward bound Beau?!?

It will be interesting to hear how long it rests in Siloam Springs, AR before making the next leg of its trip.

To my knowledge, at minimum 70-80 (or more) people saw and experienced the VEFL in over the course of its 5-day visit to central MO.

With this next string of storm events forecasted for our region, let's see what else may be blown in. It's that exciting time of year again when "you never know what can be around the next corner".

Good Spring birding!

Chris Barrigar

Cole Co.
Russellville, MO

"I only went out for a walk, and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in." JOHN MUIR

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