Date: 3/26/25 6:38 am
From: Joseph Neal <0000078cbd583d7c-dmarc-request...>
Subject: Golden Plovers in River Valley
Lots of shorebirds and ducks migrating through Arkansas River Valley now. Yesterday (March 25) I had several productive hours on Sharp Chapel Road, observing birds in the extensive moist soil fields that have been added to Frog Bayou WMA. There was a continuous peeping from the partially flooded fields with emergent wetland vegetation – teal in abundance, and both species.
I went down to the valley in part for migrating American Golden-Plovers and was not at all disappointed. Here’s what I submitted to Cornell’s eBird:
Enjoyed an encounter with another birder, Boyce Wofford, who some of you may recall found Whimbrels at Frog last year. Like me, he was set up with bins and scope. Told me he lives only 10 minutes away. He carries his birding gear with him on travels related to his career. I passed on to him my hope he will next find us a Long-billed Curlew.
Another fun fact about meeting Boyce: He asked me if I was kin to Neals in the area. Yes Sir! In years of visiting the valley, he is the only person who knows members of my Neal family who, after 200 years, still live in the Alma-Van Buren area.


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