Date: 3/24/25 11:23 am From: Mark Suomala <suomalamark...> Subject: [NHBirds] Rare Bird Alert, New Hampshire, March 24, 2025
This is New Hampshire Audubon's Rare Bird Alert for Monday, March 24th,
A HARRIS’ SPARROW was found at the New Hampshire Fish & Game Bellamy River
Wildlife Management Area in Dover on January 13th. It was first seen next
to the entrance road and then across the street on the ground below a
birdfeeder in the front yard of a private residence and was last reported
on March 20th. Please view the feeders from the road and stay off the
private property.
A flock of 9 SANDHILL CRANES was seen flying at the Hinsdale Setbacks along
the Connecticut River on March 21st, and a single SANDHILL CRANE was seen
at Reed’s Marsh Wildlife Management Area in Orford on the 22nd.
A GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE was seen at Great Meadows in Charlestown on
March 18th, and a SNOW GOOSE was seen at Lower Meadows in Charlestown on
March 23rd.
5 BRANT were seen at Rye Harbor State Park on March 23rd.
A pair of BARROW’S GOLDENEYES was seen on the Merrimack River in Manchester
on March 18th.
A CANVASBACK was seen from the Great Bay Discovery Center in Stratham on
March 18th.
A pair of BLUE-WINGED TEAL was seen along Krif Road in Keene on March 21st
-23rd, and a pair was seen at Sawyer Farm in Walpole on March 21st-22nd.
A BLACK SCOTER was seen at Terrill Park in Concord on March 21st.
2 RUDDY DUCKS were seen from Adam’s Point at Great Bay on March 18th.
90 GREEN-WINGED TEAL were seen at Horseshoe Pond in Concord on March 23rd,
9 were seen at Upper Suncook Lake in Barnstead on the 17th. and 8 were seen
along Old Lake Shore Road in Gilford on the 17th.
3 BLACK VULTURES were seen from Church Street in Walpole on March 23rd.
A ROUGH-LEGGED HAWK was seen at Bedell Bridge State Park in Haverhill on
March 23rd.
An OSPREY was seen in Hinsdale and 1 was seen in Nashua, both on March 23rd.
2 SEMIPALMATED PLOVERS were seen at Jackson’s Landing in Durham on March 23
A LESSER YELLOWLEGS was seen from River Road on Sawyer Farm in Walpole on
March 21st, and 1 was reported from Oxbow Lake in Nashua on the 23rd.
A PECTORAL SANDPIPER was seen at Lower Meadows in Charlestown on March 23rd.
A LEAST SANDPIPER was seen at Hampton Beach State Park on March 22nd.
A WILSON’SNIPE was seen at Jaffrey Center on March 16th.
A PIPING PLOVER was seen at Hampton Beach on March 15th, and 23rd.
2 RED-THROATED LOONS seen at Adam’s Point in Great Bay in Durham, and 1 was
seen at Hilton Park in Dover, all during the past week.
A PIED-BILLED GREBE was seen at Silver Lake in Hollis, 1 was seen at
Clair’s Landing on Lake Massabesic, and 1 was seen at Adam’s Point in Great
Bay in Durham all during the past week.
A DOUBLE-CRESTED CORMORANT was seen at Adams Point in Durham on March 23rd.
4 GLOSSY IBIS were seen in the salt marsh just south of Odiorne Point State
Park along Route 1A in Rye on March 22nd.
2 GREAT EGRETS were seen in Portsmouth on March 20th, 1 was seen at Rye
Harbor on the 20th, and 1 was seen at Witch Island in Hampton on the 22nd.
A NORTHERN SHRIKE was seen at the Ines and Fredrick Yeatts Wildlife
Sanctuary in Warren on March 19th.
5 TREE SWALLOWS were seen in Charlestown, 3 were seen at Brentwood, 3 were
seen in Dover, 2 were seen in Newington, 2 were seen in Exeter, and a
number of single birds were reported from south of the Lakes Region.
A flock of 40 BOHEMIAN WAXWINGS was seen at Moore Reservoir in Littleton on
March 19th.
Lingering & returning species reported during the past week included:
This message is also available by phone recording: call (603) 224-9909 and
press 4 as directed or ask to be transferred.
If you have seen any interesting birds recently, you can leave a message at
the end of the recording or send your sightings to the RBA via e-mail to:
<birdsetc...> Please put either "bird sighting" or "Rare Bird
Alert" in the subject line and be sure to include your mailing address and
phone number. The RBA is also available on-line at the New Hampshire
Audubon web site,
Thanks very much and good birding.
Available NOW!
Birding Northern New Hampshire
By Robert A. Quinn
Boreal birds and dramatic vistas await you most any time of the year in New
Hampshire’s North Country. Follow birder and naturalist Robert A. Quinn’s
detailed new guide, *Birding in Northern New Hampshire* to the best birding
in northern Coos County. All proceeds go to NH Audubon. For more info and
to order a copy, check out this link:
Learn more about birds and birding in New Hampshire with New Hampshire Bird
Records: (read a free article in eachissue). This
quarterly publication is produced by NH Audubon thanks to the work of many
volunteers. It is available for free in digital format to all NH Audubon
members, and also by print for an additional fee: