Date: 3/20/25 8:19 pm
From: Florence Sanchez via <sanchezucsb11...>
Subject: [sbcobirding] Kinevan Road March 20
I walked the road this morning and found that spring birds were very much in evidence.  I heard two different Warbling Vireos singing and spotted a third at another location.  Western Flycatchers have also returned.  Singing resident species included Purple Finches, House Wrens, and Orange-crowned Warblers.
I also heard what sounded very much like a Cassin's Vireo singing.  I heard this song last weekend as well, but each time I have not been able to locate the singing bird.  This is a little early for a Cassin's Vireo, though I usually find them at this location in spring, and there are other species that can produce a question-and-answer type song pattern.
I also heard som high-pitched notes well up in the canopy and out of view that might have been Golden-crowned Kinglets.
The Pacific Wren didn't show this morning, but it has been fairly regularly either seen or heard on most of my visits over the winter.
Florence Sanchez

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