Date: 3/19/25 8:17 am From: Heidi Rogers <> Subject: [NHBirds] Spring birds
In the past week our yard has sprung to life with bird activity. Song sparrows (3) are under the feeders and sing early in the morning. Robins (4) are searching for food on the lawn, Eastern Bluebirds (4) have been checking out the nest boxes, eating suet, and singing, two red bellied woodpeckers have been calling from opposite sides of the yard, also visiting suet most of the winter. A pair of Mourning Doves have taken over last years Robins nest under the extended roof of the potting shed, and is now incubating two eggs. A Bald Eagle has flown over twice in the last week. I noticed several of my domestic ducks looking skyward, otherwise I would not have seen the eagle. They can pick out a dot in the sky miles away!
And finally 22 hen turkeys, and 5 Tom’s spend much of the day in the yard. Tom’s with tails splayed, drumming, and gobbling.
Happy spring!