Date: 3/19/25 12:45 am From: Steve Davis <spd8109...> Subject: Doug James's 100th birth anniversary birding trip to Costa Rica Dec 14-21, 2025
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From: *Ragupathy Kannan* <greathornbill...>
Date: Sun, Mar 16, 2025 at 10:59 AM
Subject: Doug James's 100th birth anniversary birding trip to Costa Rica
Dec 14-21, 2025
To: ARBIRD Listserv <arbird-l...>
This year is Prof. Doug James's 100th birth anniversary. Doug had the
vision to start the Arkansas Audubon Society Trust (AAST) in 1972. He
sold used textbooks to create and build the trust endowment, which has
since ballooned to over $250,000. The trust supports many student
projects every year, mostly on research and conservation of Arkansas birds.
To commemorate Doug's 100th birthday, all the money I raise this year on
birding and nature tours will be donated to the AAST in his memory. I
already have $1060 from my Belize and Panama tours this summer. My aim
is to raise $3000 for the trust by the end of the year.
I hereby announce a fund raising birding trip to the Guanacaste region
of Costa Rica Dec 14-21, 2025. Price is $2435 plus air, starting from
and ending at Liberia, Costa Rica. Our local guide will be the
legendary genius, Esteban Biamonte, who won many hearts from my last
December's tour.